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Testosterone Deficiency
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Did you know that pharmacies filled more than 2.2 million prescription testosterone in the year 2003? What's even more interesting is that that's almost three times the number they filed in the year 2000.
It's clear that as testosterone deficiency becomes more widely noted more and more people are turning to prescription testosterone.
Testosterone deficiency is responsible for a lot of awful things, including: decreased energy, a dramatic reduction in muscle mass or strength, decreased cognitive function, less sexual desire, fragile bones, heart disease, and can even lead to depression if it gets bad enough.
With all of those things in mind it's no wonder that more and more men are turning to both prescription testosterone and natural ways to boost this hormone.
While natural testosterone is provided on the market, many feel that it lacks the immediate impact that you can get with prescription testosterone.
Let's face it, when you're dealing with prescription anything -- be it testosterone or not -- you're always dealing with something that's of a higher dose than usual.
Due to this higher dose, prescription testosterone understandably offers a bigger bang than natural testosterone enhancing products, and can treat testosterone deficiency more quickly.
But there are some downsides too...
For instances, there are some questions about the safety of prescription testosterone replacement therapies. After all, too much of anything is a bad thing - and testosterone is not an exception.
Because of the higher dose some doctors may be reluctant to prescribe it to treat testosterone deficiency until every other avenue has been exhausted -- or until they know for sure your situation warrants it.
This is a good thing, though, as then you can be sure that you do actually need what prescription testosterone offers.
For people with little to no libido, depressed and having lost their zest for life due to low levels of this hormone, a testosterone prescription can be a life saver.
Testosterone Deficiency
It's important to examine just what causes testosterone deficiency, as prescription testosterone may not even be needed.
Sometimes just a lifestyle change, or natural means, can be enough to put testosterone levels back to normal.
One of the key causes of testosterone deficiency is just simply the aging process. As we get older testosterone levels drop, muscle masses decrease, we put on flab, and we get shorter.
It's estimated that men 30 and older begin to lose about 2% of their testosterone a year. It may not seem like much immediately, but it has this nasty tendency to add up over the years.
If your decrease in testosterone hormone is due to just the effects of aging, you might want to consider natural methods to increase it by reading our pages on Increase testosterone naturally and Foods that boost testosterone.
Another common cause to testosterone hormone deficiency, which every man has experienced at some point or another is trauma to the testicles. This can be as simple as the ever popular football to the groin, to the more complicated things such as diseases like cancer.
There are three areas to look for when you're dealing with testosterone hormone deficiency. The first, known as primary testosterone deficiency is any type of trauma to the testicles.
Secondary testosterone deficiency deals with the pituitary gland, while tertiary deficiency deals with the hypothalamus.
While prescription testosterone has made major strides in recent years, some doctors still aren't sure what the long-term effects are, and are reluctant to prescribe it.
The only way to know if you need it is to consult your physician.
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