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Testosterone Cream
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There are many different types of testosterone replacement therapies available. Included in that group is testosterone cream.
Even though the cream delivery system for introducing testosterone into the body has not been widely accepted as the number one therapy of choice, it has shown some promise in both men and women who are suffering from a low testosterone count.
Testosterone cream can be prescribed by a doctor, or purchased online through a variety of different stores.
Keep in mind that these stores will offer varying dosage levels of testosterone creams and, as such, it is important to research them, read the labels, and talk to your pharmacist for some advice.
For example, testosterone cream for women generally speaking shouldn't be the same dosage for men since women produce much smaller amounts of this hormone than men do.
Before deciding if you want to use a cream you should also keep in mind that there are other testosterone boosting methods available.
By researching these other testosterone boosters, you can better decide if you really want to try the cream method -- or go with something else.
Testosterone Cream Negative Side Effects
Unfortunately for both men and women, there can be testosterone cream negative side effects. It's probably not surprising for you to hear this since you are in effect artificially introducing a powerful hormone into your body.
So, carefully discuss these possible negative side effects with your doctor. If he or she is carefully monitoring you and the dosage you are using, taking into account your sex, age, weight, etc., such testosterone cream negative side effects can be minimized.
Although there can be many reasons for negative side effects, they usually happen because of over usage (or too high of a dosage level).
On the other hand, side effects can be experienced even by both men and women who are using the product as prescribed.
Testosterone cream for women can engender side effects like:Hair growth
Deepening of the voice in women
Other masculine traits becoming present in women
Even though using testosterone cream for women has been a recent phenomenon, men have been using it for quite some time.
The reason for this is because some doctors are reluctant to prescribe it for women.
Every doctor who is reluctant has a different reason for it, but the most common are unfortunately doctors who are lawsuit conscious, or prejudiced against providing women with a way of easily increasing their libido.
Of course, if a doctor will not prescribe it to a woman, he could also have a very valid reason. He may believe the risks of side effects outweigh the benefits.
When it comes to results, the bottomline is that the cream delivery system has been shown to increase the levels of the testosterone hormone.
Low testosterone in women most often occurs as they get older, and menopause begins to set in.
The cream is often used by applying a specified amount to the back of the calf, thigh, inner arms, neck, and knees.
If you look around the Internet, you can also find testosterone creams that are sold without a prescription.
These are -- generally speaking -- products that contain herbal extracts that have shown promise in helping the body increase its own natural production of testosterone.
Overall, testosterone creams can be a good way to increase your level of this vital hormone. Even though there are some side effects, creams represent one viable option on the market for increasing testosterone.
Boost Testosterone Levels
Natural Testosterone Booster
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